

I was about 28 years old when I began to notice blood in my urine and experiencing some discomfort. I didn’t think much about it until I told my wife and she insisted I see a specialist. Upon examination the doctor discovered cancer, removed the tumors, and treatment began. During my one year check-up, they discovered new tumors that also had to be removed. The treatment began again and God renewed His effort for getting my attention — and ultimately heal me. As I look back it is easy to see how Deity uses pain, discomfort, and other life circumstances to get our attention. So as we enter today’s thought, I want to say something that may not make sense to you, but I want you to hear me anyway. Sometimes pain is good.

Even though pain is not fun, it tells you something is wrong and needs your attention. Whether it is physical pain or mental conflict, both are part of the life process. I think it is interesting that the Greek words used in the New Testament for pain always carry a peripheral meaning in addition to physical aches or the mental storms you face. The first example is the word Paideia, denoting pain as a “chastening or reproof for an educational process.” The second example is Purosis indicating pain is “part of a trial and refinement process.” The last example is Basanos. The root word is also used to describe a metallurgist’s touchstone, which allows different coloration streaks identifying the good and bad elements during the refinement process. It amazes me that Deity chose words that illustrate something painful occurring in order to bring about something good. Sadly, we almost always take pain and stress as a bitter affront and question the usefulness of what will ultimately make us better. Often, only hindsight allows us to make the same kind of statement Joseph made to his brothers when they bowed before him in Egypt (Genesis 50:20). By developing Kingdom wisdom you will be able to see the challenges for their eternal value — while they are happening! Perception and attitude are the keys to moving from hindsight to insight and foresight.

Well, that sounds good, eh? However, it may also sound like hype — especially if you are stressed right now. It is anything but hype. It is simple, childlike truth. By understanding a few key concepts, you can look at the painful periods and know with joy and hope in your heart that you are in a period of exponential growth. You can know without a doubt that you are in the midst of Kingdom refinement capable of moving you toward spiritual heroism. This is your ego refinement, as in the smelting process, where impurities are burned away. The ego is the devil within us that jumps up like a shadow and blocks us from seeing things properly. For instance, it takes ego to write, but it takes getting the ego out of our writing to make it right. With the Kingdom attitude and perspective you will learn to grasp, with full comprehension and awareness, the value of the process while it is occurring. Life doesn’t have to be all trial and error, hindsight, or experience. In reality, as the commercial says, you can grab the gusto!

Love, Dad

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