Christ’s Purpose in Death

Christ’s Purpose in Death

I’ve known “Jim” as long as I can remember. We’ve gone to school together, been on double dates, and tried to stay in touch over the years. Jim like Solomon – loved many women. (1 Kings 11:1) About the time he seemed to settle for a little while with one, another would catch his eye and he was on the move again. Well, he met his match in High School. She captured a part of him no one else could. After breaking up with her next flame she decided she wanted Jim back. Jim was there in a heartbeat.  Her ex did not like Jim and beat the dickens out of him. Well she moved on again, and again, each time calling Jim when the relationship ended. I suggested to him on multiple occasions that he may be taking his life in his hands by continuing the relationship. He assured me everything was OK. I learned that she got married but Jim hung on, between girlfriends, only this time he barely escaped a .357 magnum round. I saw Jim a couple years ago and they are still “friends,” each several marriages down the road.

People like Jim probably make you shake your head and wonder. Even though his case is unusual, the symptoms are not. Jim’s “thorn in the flesh” is about 5’6” tall. Yours and mine are different. Some are easier to conceal than others. It doesn’t matter whether it is polishing your Mercedes every day, fear, gossiping, manipulating other’s lives, trying to keep up with the Joneses, having a trash mouth, hating others, taking pencils home from work, reading trash magazines, drugs, alcohol or sex, they all fit into the category of sin – and the body is prone to that direction. In God’s eyes they are equally disgusting and any one is a reason for your eternal dismissal. Since we are all subject to a fallen nature (Romans 3:23, 6:23) and spiritual manipulation by those cast out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:12, Revelation 12:4) He made a way to escape what we deserved.

When personal interaction with mankind (Garden of Eden) did not work, God gave us His law through Moses. As in the beginning, our sin could be made right through the sacrifice of a flawless animal. The price of blood (or death to the animal) was always required because it illustrated the seriousness of what we rationalize or justify by comparison or contrast. When mankind manipulated the law to meet his needs, a more permanent solution was needed. Enter Christ. Rather than an animal, The Father upped the stakes to more passionately illustrate the need of a perfect sacrifice for our repetitious sin. To insure the sacrifice was perfect, He sent part of the God family in human, instead of animal form. (1 Peter 2:21 – 24, 3:18) He was saying “Do you get the point, now?” Well we didn’t. In the future Christ will reign for 1000 years on earth and many still won’t get it.

With Christ’s entry into the picture, He provided a way to escape the punishment we deserved and live a life of joy and hope. Salvation comes through simple repentance and a change of heart. We know it as salvation – He knows it as redemption. I know you understand this, but do your friends and others you come in contact with? Do they know they cannot do something that can keep them from being forgiven, and consequently out of Heaven?

Love Dad

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