

As one reaches my present stage of life, I am sure it is not uncommon for that person to wonder what should be done with what you have begun – and question its overall worth. What is probably the hardest part is identifying what is or would be of value to others, not just what I personally would enjoy or find significance. Thinking about things like that makes you realize each person possesses different standards, ideals and beliefs which will rarely allow one person to prize what I deem important.

So with that paradigm of thought, we must ask ourselves if what we are passing on to others has universal significance. Can we transfer what is inside to others and will it benefit them in the same way it has benefitted us? Without answering that question, we cannot discover if what we are doing in life has merit or gain to those we touch. Unfortunately, those kinds of thoughts are often left to those of us blessed enough to reach our 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond.

Now, why would I mention that to you when you are not near that stage of your life? The answer is simple – so you won’t have to ask yourself that question when you reach your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond. You can begin now by investing your mind and heart in what is universally beneficial to those you touch. You don’t have to wait until you are older and wonder if what you have done mattered. You don’t have to have regrets, regardless of what challenges life throws at you. The key is to begin with the end in mind. Identify what you want your life’s statement to be.

I was fortunate to have two parents who had that part right. They both understood the value and meaning in love. I’m not talking about the “peace and love” of the hippie generation that I grew up that taught that there should be no conflict and everything should love each other regardless of where they came from and what they believed – that is simply not realistic. It is idealistic and utopian ideologically and of course will never come to pass in this world. I am talking about both brotherly and sacrificial love for those God brings into your world.

Very few of us are called or positioned in life to change the world. However, each and every one of us is called and positioned to change our sphere of influence for the better with God’s version of brotherly and sacrificial love. That is why we are placed in a specific family with a set of people connections that will provide us with every opportunity we will ever need to build what the Disciples and the Martin Luther Kings of the world built. However, we cannot do that without embracing love and being strong enough in our conviction of leaving that kind of love with those we encounter.

If we are to be Christ’s disciples, then we will be known for our love. (John 13:35) That will look different in each and every one of you. That is why I have never tried to dictate to you what you ought to do with your lives. You have free will, exercise it – but do so in a way that makes others see your underlying motivation. You don’t need to tell others what they ought to do or how they should do it. Just tell them what you would do under the same circumstances and ask them if they can relate. That way you leave a part of yourself behind – and that part should be the brotherly love of honesty. Only occasionally will God ask that your love be sacrificial, but when he does you must be ready to love that deeply.

Kids the best thing for you to leave for others is the love that God has planted in your heart when His love regenerated you to a new life. Dole it out profusely and it will come back – the way I have loved you and the way you have loved me in return.

Love Dad

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