They knew who He was!

They knew who He was!

Several years ago I went into a store and purchased some supplies for my house. After completing the purchase the cashier said “How are you getting along these days, Chuck?” I was startled, because as I looked intently at the woman’s face, nothing looked familiar. As I looked deeply into her eyes she said, “You don’t recognize me, do you?” No matter how hard I stretched my brain I could not avoid the flushed feeling and embarrassment that engulfed me, because I could see this was making her uncomfortable. When she told me who she was, I was even more embarrassed as she was a former friend that I had cared deeply about for a fair amount of time. Nothing I said after that seemed to matter, even though the conversation was warm and friendly. Over the next few days, I continued to feel that same empty embarrassed feeling. This may not have happened to you, at this point in your life, but I’m sure it will in time.

According to John 1:10–11 a very large group of people, including the Jews, did not recognize Christ for who he really was. Whether they were blinded by God, too busy, persuaded otherwise by the leaders, ignored the works and signs, or simply didn’t care, we will never know. However, one group did know who He was and intentionally murdered Him because of their position, power, and greed. History has tried to blame the Jews for the crime; however, I think you will see that it was a select few, not a nation that commits the crime.

Under Simon II, son of Onias (High Priest from 218-185 BC) the Sanhedrin was established as the supreme court of Israel and ultimate power given to Simon and his family (2 Maccabees 4:41–49) UNTIL the Messiah came. After the Maccabean revolt a new line of priests, multiple treaties, and murders of high priests, the emergence of the Hasidim, and eventually a woman (Alexandra) assuming her son’s (Alexander Jannaeus) role as leader (high priest), the Pharisees began to gain more power and prominence in the Sanhedrin eking away power from the Sadducees. In 42 BC Herod again changed the High Priestly family with his power.

So, the priesthood established under Herod was a tenuous situation for Annas and Caiaphas. They knew the office could be lost on a whim — by a MESSIAH who would take all the power the office held. They knew who Christ was because He fulfilled Isaiah 35: 4–6b very specifically and precisely: “Say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come. . . .’ Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer and the mute tongue shout for joy.” They were trained in scripture. They had to know. They simply did not want to lose the power, prestige, and wealth that accompanied the office. For many, church is a business and a place to leverage its power. It was true then and is true now. When the scripture warns of wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15) it is serious. We are not exempt because we live in a so-called more sophisticated society. If you were Satan, where would you work? If you have any doubt read The Screwtape Letters




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