Kingdom Vision

Kingdom Vision

While on a missions trip to Chile our group was spread out along the clay roads in the suburbs of Conception. Somehow I got detached from the others. As I walked along looking at the “homes” people lived in, an old man came up to me and did not say a word. His face was old, weathered and pitted from what I perceived had been a challenging life of survival. For some reason, I was moved to give him something, so I pulled out the cash I had and handed it to him. Without any thought I said, I give you this in the name of Jesus Christ, not even thinking that he could not speak English. I saw tears form in his eyes. Then I was moved to take a picture of him. Two days later, after developing the picture, I showed them to our translators who lived there, as I wanted to find the man. No one had ever seen him before. Even after showing the picture to everyone in the village, no one could recall the man. My mind went to Hebrews 13:2 and 1:4. I will never know for sure whether he was an angel or not. I have my opinion, but I wonder more about what else I have seen and not seen during my life.

Over the years many people have written and spoken to the fact that our angels protect and guard us when we are oblivious to what surrounds us. In addition to not knowing all that is going on around us, there is the fact that we sin at times without even knowing what we are doing. It was at that point that I began to marvel at God’s patience with us. We pride ourselves on living in such a sophisticated society with so much at our finger tips, yet we don’t even grasp the fullness of what God has given us, nor possess the ability to “see” or “hear” Him as He walks and talks with us every moment of every day. Such a sad state of affairs, for someone committed to a relationship with almighty God.

During my thoughts about this man I wondered how much of life I really have missed. Since God so amply speaks through people and circumstances, what growth opportunities have I left behind because of being “in my world” instead of a Kingdom mindset? For years my life has been task focused because we (my siblings and me) were raised with the “make us proud” mentality. Living life that way provides endorphin release (immediate mental pleasure) and accolades and praise, further reinforcing the need for more praise. Through all of these thoughts the Holy Spirit continues to draw me back to a simple scripture that reminds me of how complicated we can make our lives. Psalm 46:10 reminds us to “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The verse speaks to the opposite of what we often see as success.

Kids, this lesson might sound simple — in truth it is. However, it is not simplistic in application. You must reach a point in your life when you develop the capacity to live in a kingdom mindset instead of the physical realm. If you truly grasp the essence of this verse in Psalms, you will understand that when Christ said “His burden was light,” He was communicating that our personal efforts can be multiplied if God is on your side. You simply do not have to be a workaholic to achieve success if He is your support system, expanding your reach among the nations and the earth. It takes a willing heart to be still. To shut out the noise, busyness and all of what “has your name written all over it,” is a challenge all of us — even if we have spiritual ears. Take time to be quiet. Take time to listen. Take time to be still.



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