Lust of the flesh

Lust of the flesh

I have heard from pulpits across America that we are a depraved society. As you look at ads on billboards, television, and at the movie theatres where the main feature will put the commercials to shame, the concept that “sex sells” is everywhere.  You cannot escape it if your eyes are open. Yet, as I study history, I see no difference in our society today than that of yesteryear. While unearthing ancient Roman ruins, murals on coliseum walls advertised inns with explicit sexual “position” illustrations. Books like the Kama Sutra, historical documents, murals, and even household items may not include photos, but could not be any more pornographic than anything Hollywood has ever produced. And, lest you forget, in Genesis 6 you will find angels were so turned on by beautiful women they left the spiritual realm to join the party! If you have breath, you are going to be exposed to, pushed or pulled to, drawn to, and tempted to join the “fun.” Even the Christ was tempted in this way (Hebrews 4:15.) How could you possibly believe you wouldn’t? Safe havens or desert islands cannot remove the mind’s imagination.

The lust of the flesh is the first and most base of sin “types” in scripture. In general it applies to all areas of tasting, touching, smelling, and hearing as they become an obsessive desire. They are the sex, drugs and rock and roll we make our “gods” through time and financial investment. They consume our daily thoughts, causing us to obsess, no matter what the cost. We know God can use anyone for his purpose, but the toll this sine takes on your life is always devastating. You simply cannot experience peace without overcoming this. If you cannot see the emptiness, pain, anger and hatred it has caused in Hollywood stars and prominent Christians, consider what it cost the Biblical personage of Sampson.

On very rare occasions the Father used angels for birth announcements. In Sampson’s case He sent the Angel of the Lord TWICE! For Him to choose Manoah and his wife and specify a Nazarite upbringing indicated confidence on His part for them. Despite his upbringing, his favor of God, and the specific vow he accepted, the young man could not get past his hormones. When his commitment to Delilah exceeded his commitment to his Nazarite vow he lost the spiritual battle. In spite of his failure God assisted Sampson by removing the “stumbling block” keeping him from mission success – his eyes. Once the eyes were gone Sampson could finally focus on his calling – to free the Israelites from their oppressors. What he missed previously was that he already possessed the physical strength to win any battle – that had been proven over and over. The problem was that he couldn’t keep his pants on and it eventually it cost him everything. He could have won the battle and ruled as Judge for years. His failure cost him his eyes, his life and years of historical prominence in Jewish history.

Kids, sex drugs and rock and roll are one of Satan’s deceptive approaches. They are only temporary and to believe they persist long term is a joke. Don’t make them an idol or obsession. If you can’t get past this, you may never achieve the joy and peace promised by your heavenly Father. Keep your focus, your path straight and remember that the only thing worth obsessing over is eternity. And, don’t believe the old fable: “Too heavenly minded to be any earthly good.” He won’t let that happen!

Love Dad

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