“If God is loving, why is there so much pain in this life?”

“If God is loving, why is there so much pain in this life?”


For the next few days, I will be answering questions from those who read this blog. The question you see above is one that I have heard asked all my life and I am sure one that many will ask long after I am gone. So, let’s get to it!

Earlier in the year (generally in early March, but specifically on March 16th)  I addressed the concept of the “Universal Process of Life,” spelled out in Romans 5:3 – 4. Here is the verse: “. . . but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” God uses this process for all humans – both saved and unsaved, to have a predictable development process. Same for everyone, so it is not biased. While some individual’s sufferings may seem more severe, The Father knows each of our abilities to deal with life, so they are uniquely chosen to bring out the best in us.

Additionally, throughout the year, I have made the comment: “Pain is good. It tells us when something is wrong.” Pain and suffering (the Greek word actually means stress) are God’s way of getting our attention to tell us something is wrong – perhaps NOT with you, but those whom you touch and/or minister to. Job had pain, but it was not his sin, it was the test of God and the temptation of Satan. You have to be wise enough to seek God and identify the source of the pain or stress so you know how to deal with or approach it.

The challenge we all face is that we get emotionally involved and wrapped up in the pain or stress, taking it personally – as if it was undeserved punishment. While it may be punishment, it does not necessarily mean the challenges are designed as such. What differentiates you from a non-believer is that you must be wise enough, during the pain/stress to look through spiritual eyes and see the source. Hindsight is 20-20 we know, as anyone can see that. However, as a believer you have spiritual eyes that will allow you to discern the issue during the pain or stress. With those eyes you now have a reason to persevere.

Perseverance can often mean not responding to other’s criticism, seeking vengeance, defending yourself or blaming others even when the problem was their fault. In an eternal perspective are other’s opinions important when God knows the truth about your heart and its motivations? Remember the phrase Quorum Deo? Put it into action and then understand that the pain or stress you are experiencing is building character which, in turn, will provide you with the expectant hope that only a believer can experience.

So, to answer the question” “If God is loving, why is there so much pain in this life?” you must keep your eyes on the purpose of the pain or stress. You may not “deserve” it, but it is there to tell you that something is wrong. Maybe or maybe NOT with you personally. The key is for you to take the message and use it to see through the challenge to deepen your character and hope.

Love Dad

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