


Yesterday I talked with you about your position in life – one of youth and for some of you, a position of inexperience. We talked about how naiveté can impact you, bring you both joy and sorrow. More than anything it will bring you lessons to for your growth and development either through pats on the back, encouragement, or through the agony and embarrassment of mistakes and rejection. What you should not do is allow any of those “results” weigh more heavily than another as you walk your pathway of life. There are benefits to every one – each one can teach you. However, each one, if viewed with more emphasis than the others can twist and distort reality and keep you from your personal best.

Let’s consider each for a moment, digest their value and importance. Then as life comes along with these incidents, smile and move on knowing your closer to perfection. It’s just part of the process.

  1. Pats on the back – These moments of praise help us realize our individual worth and value. We all have value. God does not create junk and when you were created, you were created perfectly for this time and space. Honestly, you must be able to see and recognize that when someone applauds your work, efforts or motivations. It is God smiling on you through another of His creations. The truth is that we all have redeeming qualities that show up at some point in time. You should smile inside and know He is proud of you. On the flip side do not take the applause too seriously. You must realize that your talents and abilities come from Him – yes you may have had to work hard, study hard and exert discipline, but the capacity is God-given.
  2. Encouragement – When someone takes the time to nurture or build you up, know it has been inspired through angels. The thoughts, ideas or concepts that the person is sharing with you was inspired and is a message that was intended to move you toward being all you have the capacity to be, or Glorifying God. On the other hand, do not wait or become dependent on other’s encouragement – it can be addictive and nothing addictive is probably very healthy for you in the long run. Realize that the times encouragement occurs it is as a reminder of the perfect creation you were at birth. Yes, you may have imperfections, but they are there to bring you to appreciation and perfection at the end of your journey. Be encouraged!
  3. Embarrassment – While most often we do this to ourselves, it can also be intentional by others and some of those may be the most difficult. However, both forms are really only tests that you must take in life, like the ones in school. After the redness of our face subsides and the intense regret, remorse or feeling of stupidity subsides you must stop and ask yourself what God was trying to teach you – YES, GOD! There is real, honest to goodness value in being embarrassed because you will learn. However, embarrassment is not a permanent label that you have to wear on your forehead. It does not start with “L.” You cannot hang on to it because it in no way carries a permanent mark on you, nor does it define you as a person. It’s a moment of growth.
  4. Rejection – Often times we take this more seriously than all the others combined. That is a very bad, poor, silly, and meaningless reaction. No one who has ever walked the earth, including Christ has avoided rejection. If another individual cannot see your worth and value, God is pointing you in a different direction. Only those who are unfit or spiritually immature cannot love those they come in contact with. Being rejected is often a sign that you are who you should be and on the right track. It was so with Christ, right? Take a deep breath and repeat: “You have no idea what you are missing by excluding me from your life!” And you know what? You’re right!

Love Dad

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