Biblical Differentiators

Biblical Differentiators

The Bible is the most famous book of all time and it continues to be the bestselling book of all time. It is classically a Hebrew text. The 39 (Old Testament) books recount God’s interaction with a race called to be the “Priests among the nations.” The 22 New Testament books were also authored by Jewish believers, but many were written in Greek. There are more copies of the Old and New testament texts than any other historical and sacred literature.

Additionally, recently discovered extant texts verify present day translations of Biblical texts with an uncanny accuracy. In addition to preserved copies, there have been a plethora of extra-Biblical literature that corroborates the culture, prophecies, and historical documentation like the gathered collection of Hebrew writings called The Pseudepigripha. There have also been hundreds of middle-eastern influences, like the Nag Hammadi Library (Egypt 1947) as well as Jewish sect writings in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran 1949.) Each shed further light on early Christianity and Christ himself. Josephus (37 – 100AD), a Roman Historian, published multiple works that collaborate Biblical Historical data along with the existence of Christ. And it was Christ that today’s calendar is based on. One man that changed historical timekeeping!

However, the most compelling thing that differentiates the Bible above other sacred literature is the fact that there are documented prophecies within its texts. There are about 2,500 of them with over 2,000 of them being fulfilled exactly as predicted and without error. Since the prophecies were written by various people, independent of one another, the odds of them occurring is staggering. Statisticians have estimated that the odds of this happening are one in 102000.

So, at this point we have the most accurately copied manuscript that has thousands of corroborating documents with thousands of fulfilled prophecies making its case as the true word of God. None of the other writings make that claim except the Quran. The challenge is that it states that if you do not follow its writings you will be condemned. My biggest concern with the Quran is that its authority is claimed by a group of people who are at odds with themselves and the rest of the world – which was predicted over 3000 years ago and now has come to life. That’s a red flag for me and should be for you too.

The Bible on the other hand asks that you to believe its validated truths, prophecies, miracles, and the one who was sent to corroborate all of what it says. (John 6:29) Then, based on all of this accumulated documentation, Christ said that there is only one truth and one way to Heaven (John 14:6.), and that way is through belief in Him as a person and as the Son of God.

Now, I am not sure about you, but betting on a sure thing seems to make much more sense than being philosophically appropriate or being in sync with a religion that was predicted to be chaotic and unstable within its own population as well as the world’s.

Kids, the Bible is a resource you can trust. It will not let you down. It illustrates the flawed nature of humanity with great candor and openness. It also illustrates how a supreme being can understand our flawed state and yet remain accepting of us as we are – if we will just believe that what He tells us is truth. Small price on our part. Big payoff with stacked odds, I’d say.

Love Dad.

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