

On April 16th of this year we talked about fear. We discussed the differences between Yare’ (respect) and Yir’ah (terror). I illustrated how we must respect God and others, but the only reason for terror was in relation to eternal issues that had to do with God’s ultimate control of our eternal destinies and how we as individuals must use that terror to discipline our lives and decision making processes. Unfortunately, few of us do that well.

I so not want to wear out this concept as I know I have used it as fodder to write multiple entries over this year – at least a dozen or so in which the concept was mentioned. However, I see it in each of you to a greater or lesser extent, so I do now want to dismiss it, but keep it present to remind you of its relevance and importance.

God knew that once we acknowledged Him, accepted His calling for us and committed our lives to Him that we would still have worries or concerns. It is human nature and it is one of the strongest tools that demonic angels have to distract our minds and alter our heart’s direction. We have to use what we know to be truth to alter our mental battleground and keep them focused. The only way we can make that adjustment is begin to measure whether we are bordering on Yir’ah rather than Yare’.

Now, what I am asking you to do is not simple and why I may tend to be “harping” on it at this point. To be blunt, you have to begin to realize that when we cross into the Yir’ah mindset and it does not concern our eternal destiny, we are arguing with God. We are telling Him that His reassurances are not adequate and that we do not believe that what He tells us is true. No matter how you look at it, that is outright rebellion against your Father who loves you more than any human can ever love you. Basically, it’s sin.

Now, I realize that you may be thinking – “well everyone worries,” and, you are right. We all do, but that does not make it right and it is a measure of our spiritual discipline and maturity. The way we as individuals grow in both our present and eternal lives is by facing our fears – confronting them head on. Is it one of the most challenging aspects of life – absolutely. Yet, it is also one of the most defining aspects of life. Are you willing to do what God is asking you to do, because He knows it will be one of your greatest steps, AND one of the best learning experiences you will experience.

You may not know this, but the reason I started martial arts was my fear of others – especially other men. Incidences in my life, while I was young, caused me have a considerable fear of those who were bigger, stronger and shall we say more “fearless.” In order to deal with that constant inhibitor, I joined a school that helped me face those fears and see a bit more clearly under duress. It was the reason why I encouraged each of you to participate in the training, though some of you chose not to. It was a way for me, but not the way for everyone.

The important thing to remember in all of this is that we have a hedge of protection and twice as many angels protecting us as oppressing us. We have God’s promise of our eternal protection (1 Peter 5:7). Recognize that when you do not do that you are discounting, rebelling and arguing with the one person who can truly protect you and bless you despite the circumstances. He loves you even more than I do. Cast all your cares on Him!

Love Dad

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