Image of Spirituality

Image of Spirituality


We have been talking about walking in this world with a spiritual mindset – not an easy thing to do with all of the distractions around us. However, it will be one of the most important factors in differentiating ourselves from others in the world. Unfortunately, it will also be one of those things that sets you up as a target for some people who do not aspire to this kind of life. It will position you as the kind of individual that some want to emulate, be close to and seek advice from. For others they will want to target you, find fault with you or bring you down to their level. It’s simply the way the world operates and characteristic of Human Nature.

When an individual becomes noticed for their love, spiritual walk or contributions to others, some will feel threatened by their popularity and will try to question your motivations as well as your integrity. It is simply part of living a life of truthfulness. It is going to happen and you must be prepared. Take a moment to stop and read Matthew 10:24 – 36. These verses remind us that “doing the right thing” may come with a price or even persecution at times. People who live in the darkness do not find joy in the light, so they will intentionally try to darken your world.

The only way to keep your world filled with light, joy and hope is to maintain truthfulness through the spiritual walk. That walk is what will keep you safe and secure as you maintain your values, based on what is right. The book of John is especially insightful in identifying truth. 25 times it singles out incidences when Jesus said: “truly, truly . . . “ to His as He emphasized or made a point. Integrity is undivided truth. It comes from the Greek word for a complete, undivided, whole number, or “integer.” Those who maintain a spiritual walk do not send out divisive or contradicting messages.

Here is the thing we must always remember – integrity is built over a period of time. It is built incrementally as you live your life out daily. Each decision is important and each decision matters, regardless of how little value you or society places on those decisions. Every day people make decisions that alienate them from family, cause accidents, destroy their future and even end their lives – often on an impulse. To ensure you are making the right decision, you must have spiritual influence. To ensure there is spiritual influence, you must not have your prayers hindered. To ensure your prayers are not hindered, you must maintain your integrity through alignment with the Holy Spirit and His principles for living.

Please do not hear me say that you must be perfect, as that state does not exist. Please do hear me say that you must follow what you believe will maintain your integrity before Father God. You must maintain your walk in truth and those principles are readily available through the Scripture, the Holy Spirit, People, and Circumstances. God will not leave you without guidance OR correction. You may think that some things are out of sight, but they are only times of compromise that will ultimately impact your image of uprightness.

Kids, I know this is a hard one. I know you face (daily) distractions and temptations. I also know like me, you will not always pass the test of truth and integrity. The key is to avoid the habitual sins that will ultimately condemn your honor. It is one thing to make a bad choice. It is another thing to make bad choices habitually. Repentance and forgiveness are for those who truly love God and want to maintain their integrity. Those who have that mindset are forgiven and maintain a walk of honor in the Spirit.

Love Dad

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