Being a Berean

Being a Berean

While I was growing up and even today it is not uncommon to hear a sermon focused on what is wrong with another denomination or “Christian” group. The speaker normally wants to ensure that we avoid these heathens, stay in our present pew, and buy into his/her understanding of “rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) I am not picking at anyone, just the way of thinking. It was a similar mindset that moved the English Parliament to outlaw Roman Catholicism today in 1581. It was this same type of mindset that caused David Koresh’s and Jim Jones’s followers to end up dead instead of celebrating the joy and hope of Christ. While we cannot deviate from the centrality of Christ, there are some who try to put God in a neatly packaged box. When they do, they set themselves (and their followers) up for, as no one has all the answers. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:9, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. 

Your mom and I have encouraged each of you to visit other churches and denominations with your friends, in order to gain a wide overview of your faith in Christ. We have done that intentionally, to help you evaluate your faith and find a resting place for your beliefs so you will not be swayed later in life. There are many approaches to Christianity out there, but some of them are more focused on the messenger than the message. We want you to be able to discern what is good, faithful, and true. If you have no ability to discern, you can be suckered into anything. 1 John 4:1 it says clearly: Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world.

Each time you hear a message, make mental notes or write down questions that arise in your mind. If you don’t, you’ll forget them the same way you forget your dreams. When you have a moment, investigate so you can gain something you will be able to keep the rest of your life — knowledge. In Proverbs 18:15 it says: The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. Simply put, if you want to be able to “see through a person’s words” you must learn to discern and evaluate their presentation. In Acts 17:11 a group of people from the city of Berea were commended because that is what they did to anyone who preached to them, even Paul. Each time you search, you will be rewarded with knowledge and often it will be accompanied by her sister wisdom or understanding. With them comes peace in knowing your beliefs are sound and not dependent on someone else for an explanation.

Each of you will face a day when God calls your mom and me to our eternal home. By that time your faith should be firmly established on the foundation of scripture and knowledge you have gained at home and through experience. When my parents died, I felt the burden of being the family patriarch and still to this day feel inadequate. Every day I wake, I realize how little I know. Only God has all the answers, but for your children’s sake, provide them with the epiphanies you’ve had today.

Love, Dad

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