Spiritual Heroism 6.0

Spiritual Heroism 6.0

Yesterday we began a concept that I want to follow up on as we address authentic faith. The habit of comparison is a distraction from what is important. It is also the easiest trap in which to fall. However, I believe Peter heard Christ this time. This was one of the last things Christ said to Peter while on earth, and I’m sure it stuck very vividly in his mind. After this, we never see Peter comparing his calling or position to that of another. Instead, he willingly chose to seek God’s best path for his life, and became the Rock on which the Church was built.

The world we live in perpetuates comparison by making it an incessant sport. You can turn on the television at virtually any moment and be immediately reminded that you are less than what you should be unless you have certain products or services. Even some of the Christian media perpetuate this mentality by implying that unless you complete certain training, raise your family a certain way, attend a particular church, enroll in this seminar, and read books embracing a particular philosophy, you will never be spiritually fulfilled, ending up just a mediocre believer. If those assaults are true, my question would be: “Why were we created uniquely, given the families we were given, and placed in very specific spheres of influence?” Why would it be written: “Now all of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27)

Don’t fall into the comparison trap. If you ever get the feeling that you are a nobody, all you must do is ask yourself if you are fulfilling the image the Father had in mind for you. If you walk with God and are following the desires of your heart, which have been placed there by Deity, you will arrive in God’s Kingdom as a Spiritual Hero—not because you followed the spiritual crowd, but because you embraced the Lord’s ordering of your individual steps.

Those of authentic faith have learned to embrace this concept: “Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives.” (Philippians 2:12) Kingdom warriors will not waste time comparing themselves to each other as if one were better and another worse. They have far more interesting things to do with their lives. (Galatians 5:25 – 26) Spiritual Heroes rejoice in their individuality and their position in life—both here on Earth and in the Kingdom of God.

As you finish today’s post, I know you are probably saying to yourself that this seems to be a recurring theme in many of my writings. Yes, you are right. However, each of you have a destiny to fulfill and that is not an easy challenge. You will never be able to look at someone else’s track record or experiences and say: “That’s the blueprint I will follow.” You were created for such a time as this. It’s OK to want to emulate other’s good works for the cause of Christ, however, they are there as examples, not your personal direction. That must come from your Heavenly Father – not me, your mom or your friends.

You will succeed. I have every confidence since I know God is ordering your steps. Just don’t compare yourself with others. Waste of time, energy and the essence of who you are.

Love Dad

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