Family and Friends 7.0

Family and Friends 7.0

As I have previously stated, man’s ways are not as sophisticated as God’s. Chapters 38 and 39 of Job illustrate why man cannot completely comprehend God’s ways. This discrepancy is why it is so crucial for us to have multiple “feedings” from each Personality (from their unique perspective) of The God Family daily. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says it simply and succinctly: “pray continuously.” Multiple sources of counsel increase the input, knowledge, and understanding available to us, which perfects our discernment and wisdom.  

As human beings, we struggle to put all of life into a context we can understand. All people, including believers, have a propensity to put their faith in human reasoning and the most seemingly logical explanations for life. These beliefs are often shaped by our own or other people’s perspectives of who God is, which may be a distortion of Divinity’s reality. While we err by condensing Divinity’s reality into our limited understanding of logic, time and space, They see us in our completed state rather than as individuals grappling with our immediate circumstances. Fortunately, the omniscient God Family takes our limitations into account. Therefore, our best choice is to rely on the guidance of Those who not only walk in the Kingdom’s light, but who are the Creators and Sustainers of that light.   

As you become Deity’s friend, you will be “transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2) As you are molded into the very likeness of Christ, (Romans 8:29) you will complete the image the Father had in mind for you. It is while you are on this journey that eternal value is added to your life through your learning and understanding of the Spirit’s language and direction. We were all born with our eyes fixed on things we see and what this world could offer. But I am sure that you have noticed that all the visible things of this world are in the process of rapid decay, and have little or no eternal significance. (2 Corinthians 4:18) The things of lasting value are those that you cannot touch, taste, feel, or smell. Acquiring this mindset requires that you walk with your eternal Family and develop spiritual friendships. These relationships will help you shift your focus from the temporal to the eternal. You will learn to clearly see yourself as God sees you—as a finished product. Your eyes, mind and heart will be opened to more than what is merely in front of your face at that moment.

Most of us experience an identity crisis at some point in our lives. This internal conflict is minimized the sooner we tap into divine vision. Through your friendships with each Member of The God Family, you will eventually see your position in the Kingdom. To a small extent, you will begin to see what God sees so clearly. Their ability to see clearly enables Them to help you remain focused on your real strengths. You’ll learn to avoid personal biases and view others the way They see them. You will also develop the distinct advantage of seeing past the surface to the root of the problems or challenges that you face. Most importantly, you will be able to rise above the legalistic requirements placed on you by others that do not positively impact your spiritual growth and development. You will not be burdened with “works” (Luke 11:46) that keep you busy but deny you the freedom of Kingdom living. When Christ says, “What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean,” (Matthew 15:11) He is communicating a valuable concept. Our eternal vision originates in our mind, not from the outward, physical aspects of life. The believer’s focus should be on the invisible inside, not the outside, which can be seen.

Tomorrow we begin talking about a process that will allow a walk with Deity.

Love Dad

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