Family and Friends 14.0

Family and Friends 14.0

Today we are going to continue focusing on three unique (spiritual) relationships that will bring about the basis of core knowledge and position you for spiritual authenticity.

In order to grasp the uniqueness of the God Family, you must look at the original language and how the Bible describes “one”.  In Genesis 2:24 the Bible uses the phrase “they will become as one,” about two people being joined in marriage. The chosen word for “one” is ’echad. This is the same word used in the Shema—which is the same word Christ quoted from Deuteronomy 6:4 when He described The God Family. It is an adjective indicating singularity, likeness, togetherness, and unity. The Scripture uses this word to describe both the relationships between the Members of The God Family and those between individuals within the same human family. The word does not refer to just one person. What I believe many people miss is the fact that each individual is the essence of God. They all have a spiritual basis which makes them unique when compared to us.

Let’s look at the concept one last way. Consider how the marriage covenant requires two individuals—male and female. However, according to Scripture, the two become one. Yet, this oneness does not eliminate the man or woman’s individuality; rather, the oneness illustrates the uniqueness of, and harmony within, this sacred relationship—or what we could call the “created entity.” Two distinct individuals do remain after the marriage vows. They become one in God’s eyes because of the union they requested of God, and chose through the exercise of their free will. They are one in objective. They will find success together through unity and harmony. So, it is with the Godhead. Just as there is uniqueness in each marriage partner, so is there uniqueness with each Individual of the Trinity. They possess the same objectives which can only be achieved through perfect unity and harmony. Furthermore, as each person in a marriage serves differing functions, the Members of The God Family each have unique roles.

The God Family is designed for your emulation. Each Member knows the blueprint of roles we are to play on earth, based on our carefully orchestrated placement as a man, woman, son, daughter, husband, wife, friend, or neighbor. When circumstances arise and you do not accept ownership of the appropriate role, you are depriving yourself of physical, mental, and spiritual development. In these moments, we are using the rationalization of errant behavior and the adoption of a common lie to validate our existence. For example, the most often claimed lie is, “Live a moral life and don’t break the laws of the land—then, your goodness will outweigh the bad, and you will be accepted in Heaven.” This deception causes people to believe that they control their existence. It precludes God’s gifts of love, mercy, and salvation because it is a person’s attempt to save himself through his own good works.

Anyone’s secular nature can cause them to claim God’s principles as their own. When you think it is your strength alone that is at work, and take inordinate pride in your accomplishments, you are placing yourself above God. Our purpose is to glorify God for His work in our life, not market our good qualities. If you do not grasp this simple principle, you could end up like the people to whom Jesus was speaking when he said, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’” (Matthew 7:22 – 23) An honest assessment of your life will probably bring you to the true conclusion that any good you have been able to do in this world most certainly does not outweigh all the bad. Thankfully, God does not measure our worthiness by our accomplishments. Man’s sin always outweighs his good works. Moreover, God is the power behind all our accomplishments; He is the ultimate authority of our eternal destiny. Life is about God, not us. Recognizing His sovereignty is critical to our personal growth, development, and spiritual maturity. Otherwise, we will become our own god, expect others to respect our own needs, and rationalize away the needs of others. This is the path to a selfish, not self-less, existence.

Tomorrow we are going to consider how these individuals work differently in your life. Until then, remember that in addition to our family here you have an additional family watching from outside of the dimension of time to ensure you have all you need.

Love Dad

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