We can’t be the center of attention

We can’t be the center of attention

Today in 1473 Nicholas Copernicus the founder of modern astronomy was born. He came from a Godly family. He was appointed a canon in the cathedral of Frauenburg where he spent his days in a sheltered, academic lifestyle. His brother (an Augustinian monk) and his sister (a Benedictine nun) embraced similar lives of solitude. What is most remarkable about him was that 100 hundred years before the telescope was invented God revealed to him through research and study that Earth was not the center of the universe but in an orbit around the sun. His humility kept him from publishing his work until Georg Joachim Rheticus, a Wittenberg mathematician, apprenticed himself to him. Philipp Melanchthon, a close theological ally of Martin Luther, had arranged for Rheticus to study with Nicholas. After two years of work with him, Rheticus supervised the printing of his book.

I think it is no coincidence that these Luther and Copernicus were inextricably linked together. Luther was responsible for causing people to reevaluate the concept of the Roman Catholic Church being the only way to eternal salvation. At the same time Copernicus was changing minds about Earth being the center of the physical universe. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Both men, in the solitude of their studies and time with God were discovering that man’s theories and conjectures were clouding the truth. They both made Isaiah 55:11 come alive: “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” God shared spiritual and universal truths with men who loved Him and refused to go along with the crowd. Their unique stance changed all of our lives.

From the time each of you were born, your mom and I doted over you. For a short period of time you were the center of our family’s universe. You were helpless and needed us to survive, so every single one of your needs was met. However, as time passed we began teaching you to become more self-sufficient and make your own decisions — ultimately to live independently and make your decisions based on Godly principles. We did that because you are God’s and simply on loan to us for 18–20+ years. I know growing up was hard, especially during what you felt were “awkward years.”

As you matured past childhood, you were reminded by peers and siblings alike that you are NOT the center of the universe, sometimes gently, other times abrasively. That “refocusing” of your paradigm is the key ingredient which helps us all grow from a state of selfishness to selflessness. Only then can you fulfill Christ’s words in Matthew 23:11: “The greatest among you will be your servant.” So if I understand that correctly, our job should be to find ways of making other people feel as if they are the center of a universe — even if for only a few moments. Like Bob Dylan said in his song: “Everybody’s got to serve somebody.” If we as Christ’s disciples are to be known by our love, find someone right now you can love on a bit. Make their day and I believe you will find joy in yours!

Love, Dad

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