A gift not received

A gift not received

A number of years ago I had a student that entered one of our ministry schools. He was in his early years of High School and an unusually gifted student. He had studied martial arts previously, so once he learned our techniques I cross certified him to Black Belt in our style. He seemed deeply committed to enhancing his skills and abilities. As a matter of fact he wanted to create his own style of martial arts. I made a commitment to the young man that I would assist him, help him codify and build the style as well as insure his manual was published. I do not know whether he did not believe me, got discouraged or simply lost interest but his attendance began to falter and soon he disappeared. He never took me up on something that could have shaped and molded the remainder of his life.

In 1830 a man by the name of George Wilson was convicted of murder and sentenced to hang. Andrew Jackson, who was President at that time, granted him a presidential pardon. Wilson refused the pardon and said that the pardon did not exist unless he accepted it. Since this had not happened before, it was sent to the US Supreme Court. Here is what Chief Justice John Marshall wrote: “A pardon is a paper, the value of which depends on its acceptance by the person implicated. It’s hardly to be supposed that one under sentence of death would refuse to accept a pardon, but if it is refused, it is no pardon. George Wilson must hang.” And, he was!

I tell you these stories because you are going to meet people and develop relationships with individuals you see with potential, genuinely care for, and deeply desire a meaningful friendship with. You also care enough about their eternal soul to try to help them see the light. For some reason or another they will not embrace your lifestyle or your beliefs. Their priorities will be more focused on immediate gratification, accumulation of things or personal interests rather than the issues that build a bond forever. It can be one of the most disappointing and discouraging times of your life. You can see the potential, but they cannot. You can see their value, but they cannot. You can see their reach, but they cannot. They simply will not receive what you are offering them.

What you are feeling is what Christ feels every time a person here on earth rejects the freedom and eternal life His death, burial and resurrection offers. It’s a hard pill to swallow and it will be something you will never forget because at some point in life God will provide you with an opportunity to see the impact that person’s decision had on their peace and contentment. Just continue to pray. You cannot lose hope, because perhaps someone else can fill in a blank that you could not. Just know that you did your part and that is what God requires. You are not responsible for results, just faithfulness.

Love Dad

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