The Presidential Election

The Presidential Election


We are only two weeks away from the election of a new government. I can see temperatures rising in people who are normally more reserved as we see our country taking turns that would never have been anticipated when I was young. While I know that life evolves and change is a constant, there are still so many things that never do change, and that is people and their opinions of how things ought to be done based on their cultural influences and personal beliefs.

My job, as I see it, is NOT to tell you who to vote for, but to provide you with what I hope is a solid Biblical understanding of what is right and wrong. From that foundation, you must formulate your opinions and vote based on that reasoning. If you have that strong spiritual influence we have been talking about the past week or so, I am convinced you will make a good decision when it comes time for you to complete your ballot. As I have told you many times, I will give you an opinion, but it always ends up being your decision because you must answer to God for your actions, not me.

It is your right and privilege to vote. As an American, you should exercise your obligation and be led by God’s Spirit. You simply make a choice that you believe honors God and your fellow men. While I am a firm believer that you should stand up for what you believe is right, you must also consider what is and is not in your control. The key is obedience and doing what is right for you before God.

The best way for you to consider things is to keep 1 Timothy 2:4 in context. In this passage a soldier on duty does not get entangled in business matters that might take him away from or distract him from his military duty. Paul is comparing Timothy’s role as a minister and is suggesting that there is a similar priority on things that might distract him or take away his focus from preaching the gospel. Politics are important and we each have a role and responsibility to play. However, they are not your primary role in life, unless God calls you there from what you are doing now. Allowing politics to distract our minds and conversation to a point of frustration and anxiety can cause us to end up like the seeds sown in Mark 4:18 – 19. The same concept is communicated by Jesus in Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17 and Luke 20:25.

Romans 13:1 – 2 says this: Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  So, anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.” Your role is to vote and fulfill your obligation as an American. It is not your place to worry about the results, because God orders things to bring about a greater plan than we have the capacity to understand. Keep the election in the same context as the world and what is conveyed in Luke 21:5 – 38. We cannot and should not worry about outcomes that God has ordained to complete His plan for bringing about the Kingdom. All we have is one responsibility after the election – Pray for those who were elected (1 Timothy 2:1 – 2.)

Worry and anxiety is NOT condoned in the Christian faith. From my personal perspective, it is a form of sin in that it is doubting God’s judgment about why things are the way they are – especially since many of the challenges we face in life are self-inflicted. Vote your conscience and be satisfied that God knows what He is doing.

The election is one of many things we need not worry about. Just be who He created you to be – in your corner of the world!

Love Dad

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