



Over the years I’ve learned that change is one of the more difficult aspects of life for many of us. When younger, change offered a bit of spice to life and seemingly made it more interesting. What I did not realize during those early years was that variety rarely allowed one to savor the true essences of many of life’s more valuable experiences. I am not sure that I truly understood the concept of quantity verses quality. I think understanding the principle requires time and experience with the quality to truly appreciate why it may be the preferred option.

With age, we migrate toward things that we discover, learn or adapt to. In that process, certain things seem more comfortable or at least tolerable. Most of us would consider our choices quality decisions and allow them to create the patterns or habits. While circumstances may often be beyond our control, we find a way to accept, modify or find a way to live with those choices – and that forms our attitudes about our position or place in life.

Wherever you are in life, you are there because of multiple choices which shaped your course of life. Those choices helped you reach a point where you became comfortable and settled into a routine. As you accepted these choices, you accept your position and find predictability not to be a bad thing. After all, routines provide a bit of security in a world that tells us we have never achieved enough or will never be good enough, unless we . . .

Feeling secure, in and of itself, is not bad because God offers us eternal security through His Son. With that is the promise of hope, or positive expectations for the future. However, with that security comes something that we must find value in and that is a mindset of adjusting and adapting to change, whether we like it or not. As I grew up I often heard the old phrase “The only things constant in life are death and taxes.”  That might be a bit morbid or depressing, but in this society, it is true.

The difficulty with change is that we must see the value in it. Change stretches us, makes us more resilient and requires us to think. The problem for most of us is that we push back against the change or try to avoid it. Most often the reason is that the fear of the unknown is often greater than the pain or stress we face presently. Change is constant and that is why God gave us eternal security so we can use it as a tool for our betterment. God allows change in our lives so we can execute on our end of the relationship the bargain we made with Him when we accepted Christ. It’s called faith.

Faith is what differentiates us from the rest of the world. Take a few moments to read Hebrews 11 and the first few verses of chapter 12. In chapter 11 we see the greatness of what was achieved by faith. In the last few verses of 11 and the first few of 12 we see the price some paid. Both groups faced uncertainty which is what we all live with every day of our lives. God’s Spirit provides us with the peace that passes all understanding during times of change and uncertainty – and He does that through the gift of faith. Our job, while we are here on earth is to learn how to execute and make the most of the gift of faith.

Tomorrow I am going to present some ideas that hopefully will help you see how change and uncertainty is one of the best things we have in life for our maturity. It’s not always easy, but it always helps us toward working out good for us in our lives.

Love Dad

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