Your internal compass

Your internal compass


Earlier this month I told you about how some of my friends talked me into going throughout the neighborhood soliciting “donations.” Well, that wasn’t the only time I got suckered into stuff. I remember being tricked into everything from trading several valuable baseball cards for one semi-valuable card, getting caught in the “Tom Sawyer” approach of doing someone else’s work and thinking it was fun, as well as buying gym memberships that I never used. I know that each of you can close your eyes and remember a time when you said: “What was I thinking?” or a time when you realized you had not been a good steward with your money. Life is full of those mistakes. If we are wise we will begin to question during the deciding process, not look at them in hindsight.

Your mom and I challenged each of you to think for yourself and reason through what you become involved with, as well as how you make your decisions. That was very intentional on our part. We knew if you took the time to seek good advice and prayed through your decisions, your path would be straight. Only then would you arrive in the position of life God wants you rather than where your peers thought you should be. We wanted you to see that God is willing to help you with every single decision. 1 Corinthians 2:12–13 and 15 says:

We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. . . . The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment. What God is saying here is that you do not always need a peer’s advice or someone else’s direction if you allow God to share His wisdom. After all it is promised to those who ask.

The reality is that if we do not listen our only other choice is trial and error. Learning by making your own choices and living with the consequences of those decisions can be brutal. However, that is normal and most of us use this process until the spiritual bruises become so sore we give up and begin giving things to God. Fortunately He is faithful and patient. The Holy Spirit provides the wisdom and understanding to help you reason through the challenges of life. With those skills you can meet the spiritual tests and discern the eternal impact of others and circumstances on your life.

Please do not take this note as a means to justify avoiding advice and counsel. That is not the point. The point is that God has given you the scriptures, a sound mind, and the Holy Spirit to guide you through all things. In most cases that is sufficient. If you take everything to someone, you inhibit your ability to reason and grow spiritually. Use that process while you can. You may get married soon and not have as many options!

Love, Dad

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