Spiritual Heroism 4.0

Spiritual Heroism 4.0

In our fourth day of learning about authentic faith I want to spend some time actually defining it for you. I want you to understand it from the context of when it was written and how God wanted His people to understand the essence of what He was trying to communicate. Studying the words, sometimes, helps us grasp the essence of what it means to have heroic faith.

The concept of faith does not originate in the New Testament, even though it may seem to be the focus of most of the twenty-seven books. It is first defined by the Old Testament word emuwnah, which means “firmness and fidelity in your ability to support others with a surety of who you are” per Strong’s Concordance.

Later support comes from the New Testament word pistis, which means one who is “persuaded to truth because you have trust and confidence in the origin” also from Strong’s Concordance. Neither of these definitions mentions physical or mental effort or demand action on your part. God does not redeem man based on works. This can be seen in the Old Testament (Habakkuk 2:4) as well as the New. (Hebrews 10:38)

According to Scripture, we are not now, nor have we ever been, lost souls working our way into heaven. Each member of the Trinity knows the depth of your faith and your ability to execute based on that faith. The Father prepared your image with everything you need at this point in His Plan to enable you to execute your part. The rest of the Trinity is also willing to contribute. The Son and the Spirit know everything you were created to be and will withhold nothing essential to your success.

If we continue reading in our faith chapters (Hebrews 12:1–11) you can see how the relationship process completed the faith of the unnamed group of Spiritual Heroes—the same way it will perfect you. When you choose worldly anonymity, and quit trying to compare yourself to others or meet someone else’s expectations, you position yourself as a willing servant for the Lord, ready to assume your identity as His Son or Daughter and fulfill your purpose in the Kingdom.

Yes, it is important to realize The Trinity does not need you to create, build or assemble God’s Kingdom. The Kingdom is going to happen with or without you. Yet, choosing His unique role for yourself automatically causes you to become great in the eyes of the King, and thereby His Kingdom. As you fulfill your unique purpose in relationship and partnership with the God Family, your heroism becomes exemplary to all other Kingdom members. Your light will shine in ways unique from that of any other believer.

The question I want you to consider now and the rest of your life is this: “Are you willing to be the Spiritual Hero you were designed to be?” Are you willing to stand out in the crowd and simply be yourself? You don’t have to climb Mt. Everest. You don’t need to write a best seller. You don’t even need to attend church EVERY SUNDAY. What you must do is love The Father who planned your existence before the world was created. You must love Christ, who has committed Himself to be your big brother and intercessor. And, love the Holy Spirit who has committed 24/7 to be your companion. Just love them. Will you make mistakes – absolutely. But the love is what you will be known by and the reason your sins are forgiven and the basis of your spiritual heroism.

Love Dad

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