Thanksgiving Day Break

Thanksgiving Day Break

Well, my favorite day of the year has arrived and we need to take a break from Spiritual Heroism. Not because it isn’t important, but because family is here and close. It’s a time to celebrate and honor God for His gracious gifts of lives that make our family what it is today. What makes it special is that almost all the family, my sister and Uncle Jim could attend. We knew Chuck Jr wouldn’t make it back from Panama and Elaina and Ax were home taking care of our newest incubating Grandchild, so there was much to celebrate. The only exception was that Rainie and Ryan had to leave Phoenix later than anticipated, so we will have leftovers for them!

To me the greatest of all gifts that God has given me is family. When I think about the heritage that has been passed on I can see His hand at work in new ways that I have not seen before. I know that each of our family members are grateful for each other – we expressed that openly. Yet this is not always true of all families. I think this year there was an increased capacity to see that with Uncle Jim’s recounting of how Thanksgiving days were spent two generations ago. Even though his mom’s dad deserted them before they were 6, Grams celebrated Thanksgiving with the same type of love, warmth and food that we share today. God’s faithfulness transcends generations – thousands of them.

When I read Department of Justice statistics that state that “Family violence accounted for 33% of all violent crimes recorded by police . . .” it really makes me wonder what is wrong with our society – or has it always been that way? Obviously, we have more information now than ever, but I can only assume that we just have more data now than previously. Having read Suetonius’ work, it seems like brutality within society and families is nothing new. So, I am grateful that our family’s heritage has been one of love, care and commitment to those whom God chose, before the earth’s foundation, to be Coker’s.

Of critical importance to me is that we do not look on our differences, but what we have in common. It’s no different than looking back at our ancestral heritage. My mother’s family name was Gilbert, yet as I follow the genealogy and the differences in changes of names, titles, etc., I know there were believers in that lineage – loving caring Godly people who loved our family members the way I love you. That cared, comforted, fed and attended to their needs the way we have tried to minister to you. With it the love of God was passed down through the thousands of years from one family member to the next. With that came our heritage of love and eternal life that the world cannot take away from us. To me it is further truth and evidence that what God says is true and not to be doubted or questioned – only accepted for the value that it brings to our lives.

While I know that several of you do not have the same desire for a large family that I did, my prayer is that whether you have many, few or no children, you will embrace the meaning of Thanksgiving the way our family has embraced it. While Christmas is representative of the Birth of Christ – the greatest gift to all of mankind, Thanksgiving should be the time when you invest your heart and mind in prayer and thanksgiving to God for what He has given you. The air you breathe, the mind that functions inside your cranium, the capacity your body must function normally, the clothes you wear, the food you eat and the investment in you that brought you from helplessness to generally functioning self-sufficiency (if that is possible) is all provided by our creator, intercessor and daily guide – the Family of God.

With all my love, I am grateful for you and what you have brought into my life. Thank you, wife, kids and most of all God for these great gifts.

Love dad

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