Tracy Smith Coker

Tracy Smith Coker

To try to encapsulate over 30 years of life with God’s choice of a partner for me is obviously impossible. However, I will try to communicate what is incommunicable and what God has taught me through this time with her. As I go through this process those of you who have entered marital “bliss” will probably understand – for those of you who have not, you can just get prepared!!! However, it will probably require experience to grasp the concepts that seem so simple, yet complex.

Over the years, I began to realize that God had prepared the polar opposite type of personality for me! I’m an extrovert, she’s an introvert. My way of thinking is very objective tempered with emotion. Her way of thinking is very subjective tempered with emotion. Not only that, but there were 17 years and generational thought differences. Therefore, we approach life and challenges from completely differing paradigms. While it has been exasperating at times, God knew what I lacked and why I needed her to help me see what I was missing, where I was wrong and of course where there needed to be compromise and adjustment to fulfill His purpose in my life.

The good thing is that we had one thing in common, our faith in The Trinity. When we first met, we both were in a place of recommitting ourselves to our faith. The challenge was that she seemed to have something innately compelling about her faith that I did not. It was really work for me to stay on “the straight and narrow” while she seemed to have a much greater aptitude, accompanied by a stronger conscience. Boy, did I ever need that and The Father knew I needed to be more conscientious. Let me say that these last few decades have been trying as she worked with the bull in a china shop!

While Tracy and I have, like every married couple, had our ups and downs, she has been faithful to the mission of marriage and family. Over these years, I can honestly say she has never intentionally tried to hurt, harm or complicate our relationship. While it happens at times, I honestly believe she has always had the best of intentions, motivated by love and never displayed vindictiveness that I often see in marriages. While I know she has been tempted, she has not waivered and has remained single-minded.

Tracy has excelled at her commitment to loving, communicating with and investing in each of you kids. I have never seen a stronger steadfastness that continues to this day, even though you are adults. I can close my eyes and recall hundreds of moments when I would find her reading, playing games, providing insight or just having a friendly conversation with you. I believe she is the deciding factor for the strength of our family today. She does things I could never do and that is why God picked her for us.

Tracy has also taught me how to love. Was I in love before we met – sure, but not to the depth required by the Father, Son and Spirit. She has taught me to slow down when I was in a hurry. She has provided different perspectives that have balanced my life. She has impacted the values that I thought would never change. She has taught me how to love with depth I did not know before we met. She is the catalyst I needed to be who I am.

Now, at this point you are probably asking yourself why I keep referring to “us” or myself when this is about Tracy. I honestly cannot separate us. We are one as God said we would be. We are not whole without each other. While we may exasperate each other from time to time, we would not be happy, whole or fulfilled without each other. I love you partner and am so grateful God brought you into my life.

Love Dad

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