A Question about Jesus – Part III

A Question about Jesus – Part III

For the past couple days, we have been looking at the question: “I believe in God, I pray to Him and ask for His guidance in as many aspects of my life that I can but I don’t know that I fully have a grip on Jesus, where do I go from here?”  Previously, we established the fact that 84+% of the world believes in “God” or a higher power and that a creator naturally wants to interact with His creation. We also reasoned that if the Creator tried and could not get a proper response, He would try differing methods to get the message across the way a parent or teacher does with their children or students. If there is continued “push back” then a parent or teacher will go all out, raise their voice, deliver shock therapy or whatever is necessary to make a point. That is what God did in phase III when phase I and II didn’t have the desired impact.

At this point the three members of the God family must have been looking at each other and shaking their heads. The only option at this point was to send a member of the creation team to articulate it and back it up with supernatural powers. Yes, the God family is actually the original A-Team, Legion of Justice or Super-Heroes and the proof is documented thousands of times by a myriad of writers. To the God family, the logical choice was Jesus, since He created the world (John 1) and will ultimately rule the world for 1000 years in Phase IV. (Revelation 20:4 – 6)

If I were God and I was going to send a member of the A-Team I would make sure there was an unmistakable entry. He did that with Heavenly bodies giving directions to the time and place, Angels making the announcement and a concert with really good voices. The evidence still exists today on coins that were minted by a government outside of Israel.

Since the spiritual world can see inside of time from outside, the opposing forces would try to thwart any attempt at proving He was who He said He was. Those manipulative spirits tried, through Herod, but failed because, well God outsmarted them! All documented in Roman archives.

Then, if I were God I would make sure there was supernatural knowledge imparted to at what appeared to be such a young age that His divinity would be unmistakable. Documentation exists. To ensure that no one could question the validity of the personage of God on earth, miracles had to be performed that were outside of the scope of humanity. Multiplying food sources, reading people’s minds, removing diseases, bringing people back to life that were dead, and walking on water – whoa, that should do the trick! But again, seeing is not always believing. Freedom of choice. Again, multiple authors and thousands of extant pieces of literature validate the accuracy a real human with superhuman powers.

But the ultimate proof came when this individual said: “OK, I’ve shown you my power, now I am going to let you kill me because you do not control the power of life and death – I do.” To ensure that there was no doubt he made sure 500+ people saw Him after resurrection and put on an angelic display when He left observers gawking. He proved His reality, role and power, but some people cannot and will not accept the obvious. Freedom of choice, granted so that we are not automatons. We choose our destiny.

Now, the last piece of documentation can be read in John 14:6. Read it. Was He who He said He was, or was He a liar and a fraud? He has to be one or the other. There is no inbetween. You have the freedom of choice. You will not get pressure from me, because it is not my choice to make. It is yours.

Tomorrow we will close out the answer to this comment.

Love Dad

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