Family and Friends 10.0

Family and Friends 10.0

Today I want to bring together yesterday’s thoughts.

When you combine the terms “accountability” and “intimacy,” this definition of accountimacy results: “An obligation to exchange satisfactory reason or explanation for one’s actions with a person who knows and understands your innermost character, and empathizes with you in a way few people can.”

No one can compete for that position better than your Kingdom Family. They will be your constant source of strength and wisdom. Every recommendation They make will help show you ways to lighten you burden. However, our nature is to remain in our “comfort zone” that will never allow us to break free of our weaknesses. I believe that the Trinity understands those weaknesses, and has already dealt with every possible option we might consider, and is not surprised. During their design process, They determined that the paths of specific believers would intertwine so that they would be there for each other to provide support during certain times of need. Contingencies are a part of the Master Plan for our development. Those contingencies are the real miracles.  

The prerequisite for success in your next step of accountimacy is the ability to care for others. Every individual likes to imagine himself as a caring person. But what do you care most about? The truthful answer lies in what is most loyally represented by your checkbook ledger and your calendar. You obviously have passion for the things and people for which you spend the most of your money and time.

Once you have made yourself Accessible (Step 1) and you have learned the joy of Accountimacy in a relationship (Step 2), the natural outgrowth will be a state of Assuredness (Step 3). This state will provide you with confidence and poise under fire. Your attitude will cause you to do things that make worldly people question your priorities, decision-making, and sensibilities. If you have even a little feistiness about you, that should motivate you even more! Consider the state of Assurance shared by the following friends of The God Family:

  • Noah, who built an ark for an event which had never occurred in human history because God said he should;
  • Abraham when he left Uz. He did not know where he was going, but he went anyway because God said he should. Another time, God told him to sacrifice his only son, so he went to the designated place, told his son that God would provide the sacrificial lamb—and God did;
  • Moses, who used a tree limb as a tool to initiate plagues and part waters, even turning the branch into snakes because God said he should;
  • Elisha, who made the iron head of a hammer float because God said he should;
  • Hosea, who married a prostitute (and deeply loved her) because God said he should;
  • Paul, when he appealed to Caesar after a godly prophet told him that going to Rome would be his doom, but went anyway because God said he should;
  • Martin Luther, who posted his Ninety-five Theses condemning the most powerful institution in the world (at that time) because God said he should; and
  • Mother Theresa, who died in poverty amidst disease, having spent her life being the hands and feet of Jesus to others. After her death, God exalted her through the Nobel Peace Prize to a position above Princess Diana, the most popular princess of all time, even though the two women died within days of each other.

Tomorrow I will give you one last piece and try to put all this together for you. Just remember that your walk provides you with power, real power if you decide to access it. But only you can ask and receive that power.

Love Dad

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